Feb 1, 2021

Ara – DevCon

Great to meet all the excited developers at the Project Ara Conference.

A moment from

More moments

three man posing

Nigerian connections

scrapy can

Plastic on land

2 man in front of recycled sheet

First sheets from Nigeria

Mexico team of students setting up Precious Plastic

Machines in Mexico

Boijmans museum

Storyhopper in Boijmans

Team collecting bottles in front of a dumpsite

Collecting thousands of plastic bottles for an installation at Glow


Phone project

Vegan food in a plate

Delicious vegan food, everyday!

Extruded lamp

Kees is making stuff with plastic

man on beach with plastic waste

Recycling plastic in Hawaii

Shredded car bumpers

Car bumpers

Phonebloks models

Found these old models when cleaning up

Man surrounded by plastic bottles

One year without using plastic bottles

Extrusion machine

Extrusion hacks

Solar system on a container

Solar Setup in Basekamp

Youtube channel

1 Million!

3 people holding a sheet of recycled plastic

Recycled sheets research

two man posing in Nigeria

Precious Plastic in Nigeria

Mattia on a boat looking out

To boat or not to boat?

D&AD Award

D&AD Award