This article is part of One Army, an organisation creating projects tackling global problems. You can learn more
Today is a big day for us. A new chapter we have been working on for some years. This will set the foundation for the future of all our projects. We are not going to explain why we changed the name, for that you need to watch the video. But we'll share some extra information about One Army, our future and changes that come with it.
Why One Army?
We are born in a world full of big problems. Pollution, emissions, waste, deforestation and many more. These are massive global problems. Problems so complex and big that they are hard to understand, let alone fix. But we believe they are fixable, we simply need a big enough critical mass ready for the change ahead. We need One Army tackling global problem.
Sure, but how?
To solve these problems and secure a liveable planet for the next generations we will focus on two area:
1. Better tools. We run projects to try to fix some of those global problems. We think there is a big need to rethink, redesign and improve our tools and technologies.
2. New culture. One Army aims to find a new way of living in balance with planet earth. Small changes from millions of people that can fix or prevent those global problems. Rethinking our habits and inspiring others.
Always tackling global problems
For us it feels like we are just getting started. Phonebloks was an attempt to do something on e-waste, along the way we learned the hard way how media and big organisations work. With Precious Plastic we work on the plastic problem and learnt a lot about open source and building global communities. Story Hopper is there to inspire our community but also helps us to shape our own culture and view of the world. And with Project Kamp we will learn how to structure a tiny society in a sustainable way. Every project works on a global problem and helps us to grow towards a life in balance with planet earth. And from today all of this projects will fall under the One army Foundation.

One Army Foundation
One of the main reasons to setup this foundation is to provide a safe and efficient place for development of new projects. So new projects don’t have to setup practical stuff like a new legal entity, bookkeeping system etc. But more than that One Army is a crucial step in building one strong community rather than many independent ones. Building a community takes a lot of work and effort each time. And the massive problems we work on require a strong force to change them. We need people united and collaborating to make this happen. We need one big community that grows and branches out organically. One Army foundation will hold the infrastructure to make this happen.
One (big) Army working on projects protecting planet earth.
To be honest this is a big deal for us. It’s an important point in our history. One that will guide us in the future and provide the solid foundations to build upon. But practically for you not much would drastically change. Here are the main changes.
Dave Hakkens is replaced by One Army on Youtube. Same principle, people and videos behind it. Just a name change (watch video above). Check it out here.
Same as above the name is changed to One Army. Plus we improved our rewards on Patreon :) We finally have badges and more. Sign up, support and grab your badge! Check it out here.
Our Precious Plastic Discord will change name to One Army. It has been restructured and will make place to host the other projects too. Creating one strong community. Check it out here.
Archive forums
Our forums from davehakkens.nl have been closed for a while but are now archived in read only mode. This hurts a bit but we are working towards a better solution.
News from our projects can now be found on this page. One Army Dot Earth. Repeat with us, One Army Dot Earth. Good :) Here you will find the latest news, updates, pilots, developments, collaborations etc... This is the main place to follow and stay updated with One Army and its projects.
Social media
One Army doesn’t use social media. This doesn’t seem like a healthy mechanism. We have a newsletter that will be sent out every 3 months with major updates. 4 times a year. No spam, not pulling your attention. Just solid information. Would highly recommend to subscribe!

Thats it for now. Make sure to keep an eye on https://onearmy.earth/ for updates. Support us on Patreon if you see value in what we do (or want a badge!). Or simply tag along, have a chat on Discord, watch some videos, talk to people. All good. We are happy that you are here in the first place.
Talk soon!