This article is part of Project Kamp, a One Army project prototyping a more sustainable life. You can learn more
Here is an update that took a while to make, two years. It’s a big step for the future of our projects!
Ok. So. A Bit of History
We made this video a few years ago, the start of Project Kamp. Looking for a piece of land somehwere in the world. Wanting to create a place where we can test/prototype/document different ways of living that are less harmful for the planet. Just because we feel deep inside that other possibilities are out there. But you only know until you try. So that is Project Kamp. Our attempt. And everything will be documented and shared open-source online so others can learn from our mistakes and copy the best things. After visiting many lands (update in Monthly news #27) we’ve found a great land in Portugal.Thanks for helping community.

The Land
It’s located in the North of Portugal, near Santa Comba Dao. 9 hectares big. Yes that is 18 football fields, but we are probably not going to use it for that. Three years ago there was a massive forest fire in the region (big problem in Portugal) and most of the land burned down, so it’s recovering from that. Luckily the land is rich in water, there are natural springs and a little creek and it has a 2 old ruins on there. Below a few picures, watch Monthly news #42 to see some videos. The price of the land was €100k but there is a massive stone on the land and they say there is a treasure underneath. So that will probably just pay back itself.

Why This is Important for our Future
We see Project Kamp as a project, one where we prototype an alternative way of living. Just like we prototype a system for plastic recycling. But it is will also serve as the base for our organisation. Up until now we’ve always had temporary workspaces and houses. It was fun and cheap. But moving shop takes a lot of unnecessary headaches, energy and makes us not able to make long term decisions. Securing a place for a long time will help us to become more stable. A big investment in money and time but worth in the long run.
Soon we will launch the Project Kamp Academy. The place where we document our steps and progress. Buying land is quite a process, we learned a lot from this. Just like everything we will also document this step in a video, let us know below if there are things you want to know so we can include it. Overall it will be a big long term project. A lot to figure out: filter water, store energy, social structures, setup a workspace, grow food etc. But the first big step is made!
Time to start prototyping this new world we have in our minds
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