Dave shares some work we've been doing on the shredder, while Paul interviews Bradford to learn more about his research into plastic sorting with the robotic arm. And Charlotte sharesthe latests from the community.
Dave, Charlotte and Jerry went to the Maldives to run a pilot with Parleys and report from there showing what they're working on. Paul interviews Jannis on the Beyond Plastic project and Mattia explains how we've structured work during Precious Plastic Version 4.
This month Dave have a deep look into everything that has to be done for Version 4 in the different areas of focus. Plus Mattia shows some work we have done an the installation for Glow festival.
This month a new team takes over the monthly news and show everything that is going on at the headquarter.
First month of Precious Plastic Version 4, Dave looks at everything going on in the workspace and we're quickly transforming this big empty building into a research centre for plastic recycling.
In this Monthly News Dave visits Opolab in Portugal and (from our new workspace) presents the 40+ people that will join us net month to kick off Precious Plastic Version 4.
Kat & Mattia take over the Monthly News, reporting from Portugal they explain the plan for the upcoming super exciting Precious Plastic Version 4.
Dave presents the community news from Precious Plastic and travels to Copenhagen for a presentation and while there meets some people that built a Precious Plastic container. Plus, we also launched Project Kamp and won 300.000€ :)