Men in Korea
Feb 1, 2021

Upcycling center Korea

Yesterday I opened an up-cycling center in Korea with politicians and a hat made from paper bags. 큰 날 주셔서 감사합니다


A moment from

More moments

Dave in Silicon Valley

Phoneblocks worldwide

3D drawing of the sheetpress

How to make a 1.5 m Sheetpress

Precious Plastic Exhibition in London

Exhibition Design of the year

Hand holding an envelop

We have shipped the first One Army rewards!

Magazine cover


parts of a chicken toy

Sorry chicken

Worry bead mould for recycled plastic

Worry beads mould

Precious Plastic injection machine

Customised Injection machine



Fixing Fashion badge in the shape of a hashtag

Fixing Fashion badge is here

Plastic sheet

Plastic sheets in London

Little girl playing with recycled plastic

Experimenting in Taiwan

men in front of recycling machine

Sheetpress in London

Dave on TV!


Man working on a recycling extruder machine

Brick making training

Two man facing each other and talking

Jaden Smith in the workspace


Phone project

Shipping container converted in a workspace

Our basekamp in shipping containers

Maldives pilot

Maldives container

Pecha Kucha conference

Pecha kucha night