This article is part of Precious Plastic, a One Army project tackling the plastic waste problem. You can learn more
As the years pass, more and more people are joining Precious Plastic to tackle the plastic waste problem from all corners of the (beloved) planet. And it can be easy to fall behind with all the high-quality work put out by the growing Precious Plastic community.
We made a tentative selection of the best and most active Precious Plastic people and workspaces to watch out in 2021. Meet below the people and workspace fuelling Precious Plastic recycling around the world in the upcoming year.
Brothers Make Matt and Jonny are some of the most inspiring Precious Plastic workspaces we’ve discovered in 2020. They make nice and finished products, with cool videos and very useful How-tos to share back their expertise with the community.
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Atelier Samji The Paris based Precious Plastic workspace has also been a surprise, quickly catching our attention with their top-notch interior design of the Adidas flagship Store in Champs-Èlysées. Great use of the Precious Plastic bricks. Want to know more? Kat went to visit them in their Paris workspace.
Precious Plastic Ukraine Definitely one of the most active and productive workspaces out there. The guys at Precious Plastic Ukraine are constantly melting, recycling and experimenting with both machines and products. Very impressive outcomes, bit rough maybe but super inspiring.
Utoplast Vincent from Norway has also been kind of new to Precious Plastic game but quickly got his project known within the community for their precise and colourful product design. Make sure to check their signature vases and this spectacular kitchen that definitely made our day.

Bope Ok, this won’t be a surprise to many of you but our dearest Bope is always a very active and inspiring recycling workspace. They’ve been consistently putting out top class recycling work since the very beginning. This past year they seemed to have been focusing more on installations and interiors with some masterpieces like this one. Plus our most sincere love and wishes for their newborn ♥
Precious Plastic Lancaster Although active for a few years now the guys at Precious Plastic Lancaster really shined in 2020 with a top-class collaboration with Re=comb taking plastic recycling up-town conquering one of the most exclusive realities, the high fashion world. And you don’t get there by chance, those combs look just cool.
Le Recycleur Fou Landry is a super nice guy, after building Precious Plastic machines for a few years he came to volunteer on Precious Plastic Version 4 to design the Shredder Pro. He’s now back full-time machine building delivering top quality machines for the community. Plus they look super slick.

Easy moulds Easy mould has become the place to go if you’re after German standard Precious Plastic moulds. They simply work great. Friedrich was also part of Precious Plastic Version 4 team helping to build the Shredder Pro. In 2020 he produced moulds to create combs for Re-comb, Egg Cups for Object Density, keychains for Omhu, carabiners for Precious Plastic Melbourne and more.
Profile | Instagram | Website | Bazar
Plasticpreneur The Austrian workspace never stops to inspire. On their website, they claim to have their Precious Plastic machines “in use in more than 43 countries on six continents.” That's a lot! Plus, this past turbulent year they’ve also been busy making 100.000+ recycled face shields to fight covid, they just released a black version of their Precious Plastic CE certified machines and concluded what looks like a very successful project in Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.
Waste Less Arugam Bay Henry and his wife have been running Waste Less Arugam Bay (formerly Rice & Carry) for many years. Recently they set up two super slick containers for their collection activities. Plus they made an insightful How-to sharing how they collect plastic in Sri Lanka.

Precious Plastic UK Dryden has been running Precious Plastic Uk for a few years now with the intent of connecting and linking people working on Precious Plastic in the UK. Dryden was also the driving force facilitating Re=comb, connecting Precious Plastic Lancaster with the clients and helping throughout the process.
Starting the year with a greater than usual dose of gratitude we want to thank everyone out there working on Precious Plastic. Year after year it is a marvel to see more and more people investing their time and creativity to recycle plastic and tackle the plastic waste problem. Can't wait to see what 2021 will bring. Happy melting!