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Sep 28, 2015


Time without the daily distractions to zoom out, see the big picture and develop new projects.

Dave working on his stuff
Dave's time

I graduated about 2 years ago. Both of my graduation projects where quite an intense ride, not just making them but also after launching them into the world. All of the sudden I was talking with large organizations, be in the spotlight, traveling the world, giving presentations. It was fun and I loved doing it. But..

Doing this stuff kept me from doing the stuff I really like to do, make things. Working on new projects, looking for a problem to solve, just be in my workspace tinkering, experimenting with materials. I was desperately in need for some cave time. – Not an official word but here is my definition.

Cave Time:
” Time without the daily distractions to zoom out, see the big picture and develop new projects.”

The Dave-Cave

SORRY for being low on social media, not sharing much updates, don’t show new development. –Well maybe not a real sorry, its just that when I work on new things I get so sucked into it and forget don’t care about all the other things. Putting all my energy into making things, focus. However cave-time is over. We’re back on track and new projects are coming,  tomorrow. This time Mr. Tomas Halberstad* is going to help out keeping you guys updated!

I hope you are still around



*guy with the big beard from Phonebloks

Picture of the author of the suggestion
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Handpicked suggestion