This article is part of Precious Plastic, a One Army project tackling the plastic waste problem. You can learn more
The last months we’ve been hard at work developing Version 2.0 of the Precious Plastic machines, almost ready! Now we are going to make the new logo, and we would love to make this together with you, the community. After gathering inspiration and logos you like, these were the concepts submitted by you the community. So far, we’ve gone from concepts to sketches to voting, and now we’re on the home stretch.

For this step, we’ve narrowed down the top 5 and refined the final 3 into the Precious Plastic style! This is the last round of voting and then we have our logo!

Vote by clicking on the heart under your favourite concepts. (Yes, you can vote on more than one.) For this challenge, the comments have been closed as we only want votes.