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Jul 6, 2016

Precious Plastic 109 days later

What's happening with Precious Plastic Version 2?!

Man giving a conference
This article is part of Precious Plastic, a One Army project tackling the plastic waste problem. You can learn more

Today its been 109 days since we shared Precious Plastic v2.0 with the world. Perfect time for an update!  There is a lot of stuff going on at the internet, its hard to spread something boring as plastic recycling into the world of funny cats and memes. But you all managed to create a little dent by spreading, writing, sharing, posting about it. A project like this would be nothing without you guys showing it to friends, family, neighbours and the postman.

You have been a huuuge help into spreading the project into reaching every corner of the world, well almost every corner. (We might even reached North Korea!) The image below gives an overview of all the places that looked into our world of plastic recycling. Each orange dots represents visits from that area,  If you are into these things hover the interactive map on our website, its much more detailed.

World views!

During these spreading-days many articles where written about the project and our videos where shared heavily. Including videos made by others like the one below. Particularity on Facebook Precious Plastic went all over the place. –stuff goes around quickly on there. For some reason we had huge traffic from South America, 30% of our visitors came from this area. Not exactly sure why, maybe its because of the volunteers that helped to translate videos into Spanish, gracias.

What’s next?

Well…now the fun part kicks in! After sharing all the tools and knowledge online people got started themselves. We have seen projects from Makerspaces, Fablabs, Hobbiest, NGO’s and individuals from all over the world building the machines. We are thrilled to see Pauls shredder from South Africa killing milk bottles, a maker space in Singapore that uses them for education, or this man in Australia trying to make the shredder run on human power. He is getting there..

We embrace these folks, they are the true dare-devils. The risk takers. There is still a lot to learn and figure out about plastic recycling, but they are just going for it. Seeing how they build and improve the machines helps the project a lot. It gives feedback on the way how the machines are build and can be improved. We love to share these dare-devils and hopefully there work inspires others to get started.

Meanwhile  Mattia build a set of machines and is driving through Europe doing events, talking with people and spreading the project around on a analog way. And I’ve been traveling South east Asia to do research on plastic. How it comes in the oceans, how the slums in India make a living and looking into local tools and materials. OK to be fair my travel is not all plastic related.

Below you can see a fraction of things made by the community. If you are into this stuff, wander around in our forums to see more being build or share your feedback.
If you have build the machines let us know, we are setting up a map with worldwide development and love your project on there.

Keep on spreading, building and recycling!


Injector machine from Barcelona
Injector machine in Barcelona.

© Lina Krivoshieva / The Plovdiv Project
Machine setup made by Bulgarian students used for education.

kids in mexico
Probably our youngest machine builders come from Mexico.

Made in Singapore
Made in Singapore for a maketfaire.

Mirrors made by @Jivan from Ukraine
Mirrors made by @Jivan from Ukraine

Picture of the author of the suggestion
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Now send it around :)
Handpicked suggestion