This article is part of One Army, an organisation creating projects tackling global problems. You can learn more
This quarter we surpassed 1000 Patreons, It’s great to get financial support from so many people. Such a nice and pure way to fund community driven projects. Don’t get me wrong, Youtube adds is great but it does always hurts our soul a bit. Patreons for the long term! Here you can see a nice overview of the people supporting since we started and how its directly effected by the projects we do. Thank you all for joining our mission. 🙏

Project Kamp
This quarter we started Season 3! We renovated an old rusty pickup to move people and material around. Upgraded Mattia’s old German Post Van into a leak-free home using old basketball floor. Designed our own single person tent, build a big storage place in an old shipping container. And re-discovered an old natural pool from the picture above (most popular video of the season so far). Next to uploading videos we also share the drawings and 3D models on our research module. Browse around there to see what we did. Oh and our beloved Patreons also voted what will be our next house, it will be in an old pig trailer. But more on that next time.

Precious Plastic
This year we are on a mission to use the power of the community more, learn and collaborate with a global network. On Youtube 13 new video’s are posted visiting workspaces around the world. Some contain good tips like How to make the perfect sheet, some inspiring to watch like the Picasso of plastic. We’ve also seen some cutting edge things made by the community. Like the picture above is a booth made with 700KG recycled plastic in Argentina using our sheetpress. The biggest things we've seens so far made from sheets. And besides sharing awesome pictures on #preciousplastic the pure gold is how-to’s . Twelve new ones got uploaded including a how to make a baler, desktop extruder and a motor powered injection. It’s great when people share knowledge back so we can learn from eachother. And finally we also run our impact survey, trying to measure the impact of our big open source community. The stats can be found here on this ✨ good looking website. ✨

Community Platform
This quarter we did some bug fixing. (could start every newsletter with this) But most time was spend to organise ourselves for a bigger push of development. We had our first real-life meetup since Precious Plastic in Netherlands 4 years ago. But some of us have been working together for 2 years but never met beyond video calls. Besides meeting another core reason was to see what are the bottle necks and next steps for our community Software and roadmap to get there. So a lot of new issues to work on and much more coming for new features! Join coding if you want to help out! Oh and we also got a pretty good spike in our Github stars. 👆
Until next time,
Your Friend at One Army