Usually when a building/bathroom/shed etc. is being demolished a completely new one takes over its place. This is done without leaving any trace of what has been there before, perhaps a little picture on the wall but that’s it. I was interested in using the materials from the old building in the new one.
I was inspired by the terrazzo floors. Although these floors are made from waste produced in the marble mines, they are really decent and have a good quality which you can see and feel. I wanted to find out if we could use our own waste produced when demolishing something.
I did several test with different materials and made a selection of which materials are possible, I used crushed bricks and roof tiles as a pigment. Between 20-30% of new cement is added to bind everything to one solid floor which can last 100th of years.
In the end I made 3 different examples of what it could look like, but basically any combination is possible...