This article is part of Precious Plastic, a One Army project tackling the plastic waste problem. You can learn more
Today we're releasing the first ever Special Offer on One Army Patreon page. We hope this Special Offer will grow One Army patronage, send some money & support a Precious Plastic recycler AND give our patrons a fantastic piece of (recycled) design.

Sorry special what?
Special Offer is a new feature on Patreon where we can give special rewards to specific tiers for a limited amount of time. Sounded fun so we decided to try it out.
How does it work?
From today (24-05-2021) until Friday (11-06-2021) we'll be handing out a Johannplasto screwdriver to all new and existing 15$ and above tiers. We got hold of this screwdriver and used it for a bit and we were like.. we need our people to have it ♥️
Johannplasto screwdriver
Thomas from Dresden, Germany is one of the latest discoveries in the world of Precious Plastic. Under the name of Johanplasto, he's been creating really stunning products using the Precious Plastic injection machine. We fell in love with the screwdriver and had to do something about it to make sure more people could have it.

We see this little campaign as a win-win-win situation where One Army grows its patronage; Thomas from Johannplasto receives some money so he can keep on doing the amazing work he's become know for; and our patrons get a really great piece of Precious Plastic design (one of the best ones we've seen so far).

Time to get yourself a screwdriver!
If you want to join the Special Offer head over to One Army Patreon page and select a 15$ tier or above to receive your screwdriver handmade and recycled in Germany.
Much love and happy melting :)