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Apr 13, 2017

Trash Hero & Precious Plastic Bali

We love to see people and organizations coming together to create great initiatives to take care of their beautiful environments. Because, we all like beautiful beaches- don’t we?

Men working with a shredder machine
Trash Hero Team and their Shredder machine.
This article is part of Precious Plastic, a One Army project tackling the plastic waste problem. You can learn more

Trash Hero is an international organization with strong visions and bold statements, “We clean Indonesia. We pick up the trash to keep the paradise. Together, week after week, step by step, we make a change that we want to see in the world.” But what do do with all that collected plastic?

sticker and a beach
Picking up Trash from the beach in Indonesia.

Trash Hero Indonesia and Precious Plastic Bali came together to create an event to clean up the beautiful beaches of Bali and educate participants on how to best deal with plastic. Using a Precious Plastic shredder they taught kids best practices and techniques to deal with the plastic waste collected on the beaches. Hurray Indonesia 🙌

people and a shredder machine
Trash Hero team.
man observing a shredder machine working
We are always fascinating watching plastic been shredded.

man giving a plastic recycling workshop
Teaching and showing future generations how can we deal with plastic waste.

Next time you’re in Bali for your winter holidays why not send this caps a message and clean up a bit of your mess 😉.

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Handpicked suggestion