This article is part of Precious Plastic, a One Army project tackling the plastic waste problem. You can learn more
It’s been about 3 weeks since we officially begun launched our campaign to recruit the biggest ever Precious Plastic team to fight plastic waste. And the response has been overwhelmingly phenomenal 💥 With an enthusiasm rarely seen elsewhere 😳 You people are amazing. Really. And can’t wait to meet yha’ all in Holland.
We received about 450 application within 3 weeks. People from all corners of this beautiful planet, of all ages, backgrounds, skills & expertise and, very importantly, with the most diverse ice-cream preferences. We take this very seriously. We’re in the melting business, you know 😉
Few funny stats from all the applications.
👶 Youngest person: 13
👵🏻 Oldest person: 59
⌛️ Age group: 25-29 (30%) followed by 20-24 (20%)
🌎 Number of countries: 74
🍦 🏅Most common Ice-cream flavour: Chocolate, followed by Vanilla and Pistachio
🍦🌈 Weirdest ice-cream flavour: Poppy seeds, Baklava, Matcha and Kaimaki (someone also dared to say “not an ice-cream fun”)
🗣Most applied task: Product design
🕵🏻 Least applied task: Work with foils (we get it sounds difficult, but hey we all love challenges)

One after the other all the open positions are being filled by super talented and qualified individuals from across the seven seas. Keep checking our website to see how the team is taking shape (feel free to show them your love on Dave Hakkens forums 😃)

We cannot wait to see what the months ahead will bring. To see what a 40+ team of talented and incredibly dedicated people can do to find solutions to the big plastic problem. We believe in people. We fucked it up, we can fix it.
Keep applying!
A lot of the people we’re inviting come from outside the Shenzhen area (also known as Europe), meaning stupid bureaucratic visa systems prevents them from staying with us for longer than 3 months without having to file in long, dull & complicated paperwork. Most likely we’ll have big turnovers throughout Version 4, so keep check next.preciousplastic.com for upcoming available positions.
Next steps?
From September we’ll begin building the workspace, kitchen, toilettes and whatever it needs with a few people (this will be a fun time with a lot of building). Then, starting October we will go full steam with the whole team. This is when all the juicy stuff will happen. With the new year, we expect a few more position to open up as a lot of visas will have run out by then. After that is complete unknown. Maybe we’re done, maybe far away, Dave could have rastas, I could become the egregious king of Vanland or we could all have found the worldwide, cross-field solution to solve the plastic mess we’re in 🖖