Gif illustrating a hand scrolling a phone
April 2018

Darkside of Data

This is a conversation starter first and a video second.

We have mixed feelings when it comes to our digital world. Apps, messages, tweets, blogs, mails, pictures, videos. We can all communicate with each other instantly, spread knowledge and share pictures of our avocado lunch with the rest of the world. All this data is flowing through a network of cables around the world that we call internet. It's such an incredible powerful tool we humans created.

We are aware of the amazing revolutions the digital world brings us. Companies love to share this part of the story. Where their marketing machines are focussed on. However, there is a BIG Darkside to this world of data. So big that it could easily be our next global problem. No kidding.

This is the first step to prevent this problem. Unveil the darkside....

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Keeping it on the digital side watch Dave's struggle to delete his Facebook page or follow Precious Plastic Instagram page (just to keep a bit of sane human incoherency :)