Feb 1, 2021

Badges are here!

The not-so-much-awaited-for-but-we-like-to-believe-so One Army badges are finally here. And Catie is already proudly taking them all around the streets in Porto.

Want some? Here!

A moment from

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three man posing

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Transport approved

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Socks darning repair

Three man hugging

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Mattia on a boat looking out

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parts of a chicken toy

Sorry chicken

Project Kamp badge

Project Kamp Badge

Extrusion machine

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Shredded car bumpers

Car bumpers

Woman working on a lathe

Carolina making stuff in the workspace

Dave in Silicon Valley

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Ara – DevCon

A pan and a strainer to dye with avocado

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parts of a phone

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two badges in one hand

Badges around the world

Shredder machine

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3 people holding a sheet of recycled plastic

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Hardware store