Dutch Queen shaking hands with Dave
Feb 1, 2021

Solid handshake

Had a chat with the Queen today to discuss the future of Dutch Design. The lady has a solid handshake 👌

A moment from

More moments

Magazine cover


A pan and a strainer to dye with avocado

Avocado dyeing in Barcelona

Men building machines

Mattia doing events

Pecha Kucha conference

Pecha kucha night


Project Ara prototype

Graphic showing dazed and Fixing Fashion logo

Fixing Fashion on Dazed

D&AD Award

D&AD Award

Man surrounded by plastic bottles

One year without using plastic bottles

blue lamp made from recycled plastic

Lamps made in Korea

woman in front of a pile of recycled clothes

Our old clothes heading to Africa

Shredder machine

Shredder in Rimini

Colourful beams

Working on beams

darning repair on a sock

Socks darning repair


Phone project

Containers being unloaded

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Group of people standing in front of a workspace

Precious Plastic team

Man working on a recycling extruder machine

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Men in Korea

Upcycling center Korea

Girls running Precious Plastic machines

Machines in Taiwan

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DIY aluminum moulds