Man wearing a gasmask
Feb 1, 2021

Business guy In the workspace

This week marks one year since quitting my 9 - 5 job. There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s been the most intense year of my life, experiencing some of the highest highs and lowest lows I’ve ever felt. I’ve learned so much about myself this year and eventually landed among a little family of people at Precious Plastic doing what feels like the work of my life. Life is beautiful, exhilarating, and difficult - sometimes all at the same time.

A moment from

More moments

Precious Plastic CE Certified Shredder

CE Certified Shredder

Worry bead mould for recycled plastic

Worry beads mould


Researching components

darning repair on a sock

Socks darning repair

man watching a training on a computer

Online recycling training

Graphic showing dazed and Fixing Fashion logo

Fixing Fashion on Dazed

Solar system on a container

Solar Setup in Basekamp

Girls running Precious Plastic machines

Machines in Taiwan

Storyhopper video covers

Story Hopper 1 Year

Colourful beams

Working on beams

Group of people serving food

Precious Plastic Version 4 team enjoying a vegan lunch

Plastic sheet

Plastic sheets in London

nike shoes

Fake Vs. Real

Precious plastic machine printed

The world is getting started

Three people in front of a van

Wild office

parts of a phone

Modular phone in progress

parts of a chicken toy

Sorry chicken

Woman drying shredded plastic

Faces of Dhaka

Pallet with disassembled machine

Flatpack Sheetpress


Hardware store