Woman facing camera
Mar 19, 2021

BBC show

The BBC is creating a documentary about Precious Plastic and the community around the world. I (Carolina, in-house designer) had the pleasure to give a nice interview to explain what we do and how we plan to tackle plastic pollution empowering thousands of people around the world. Stay tuned for the upcoming release.

A moment from

More moments

Precious Plastic injection machine

Customised Injection machine


Making a lunch video

Prototype of a washing system

Washing system prototype

darning repair on a sock

Socks darning repair

Bright magazine cover

Bright cover

Colourful waterfilters

Waterfilters by Taller Esfèrica in Spain

Precious Plastic and Grameen team posing for a picture

Precious Plastic meets Yunus Muhammad

Project Kamp badge

Project Kamp Badge

parts of a phone

Modular phone in progress

Man working on a recycling extruder machine

Brick making training

Extrusion machine

Extrusion hacks

Pecha Kucha conference

Pecha kucha night

Colourful beams

Working on beams

man wiring cables for recycling machine

Late wiring

Woman standing on landfill

Precious Plastic pilot #3 in the Maldives

scrapy can

Plastic on land

Crate storage

Crate Storage

Vegan food in a plate

Delicious vegan food, everyday!

Mattia on a boat looking out

To boat or not to boat?

kinds pants fixed and repaired

First fixes from people