Precious Plastic CE Certified Shredder
Jun 15, 2021

CE Certified Shredder

For an upcoming project in Algeria we've developed the first Precious Plastic CE Certified Shredder which will become the new official open source version in the coming months. Keep tune!

A moment from

More moments

Woman working on a lathe

Carolina making stuff in the workspace

Magazine cover


Team collecting bottles in front of a dumpsite

Collecting thousands of plastic bottles for an installation at Glow

Boijmans museum

Storyhopper in Boijmans

Woman standing on landfill

Precious Plastic pilot #3 in the Maldives

Extrusion machine

Extrusion hacks

Precious plastic machine printed

The world is getting started

Three people in front of a van

Wild office

man and children talking about plastic

Kenya visit

Dave on TV!


Broken camera pieces

Broken camera

Extruded lamp

Kees is making stuff with plastic

Hand holding an envelop

We have shipped the first One Army rewards!

people in a rock

Looking for a land in Portugal

Dave's setup for the extrusion.

Prototype Extrusion

Colourful beams

Working on beams

Injection machine

Injector in Sri Lanka

Extrusion machine

Extrusion machine photoshoot

Sheetpress machine

Playful Sheetpress

man swimming in a lake

We've been clearing the spring