Green ex german army mercedes ambulance 609D converted to a camper parked on a land
Feb 1, 2021

Arrived in the land

Dave and his mom drove down from the Netherlands to Portugal. Long trip through lockdown France but made it. Now his house is on the land ready to get some work done!

A moment from

More moments

Girls running Precious Plastic machines

Machines in Taiwan

Mexico team of students setting up Precious Plastic

Machines in Mexico


Funny Hopper

man washing some plastic

New washing system

Extrusion machine

Extrusion machine photoshoot

Shredder machine

Shredder in Rimini

Three people in front of a van

Wild office


Project Ara prototype

man on beach with plastic waste

Recycling plastic in Hawaii

woman wearing a repaired summer dress

Upgraded summer dress

scrapy can

Plastic on land

man and children talking about plastic

Kenya visit

Phonebloks models

Found these old models when cleaning up

Worry bead mould for recycled plastic

Worry beads mould

Woman drying shredded plastic

Faces of Dhaka

Precious Plastic Exhibition in London

Exhibition Design of the year

plastic waste from the beach

Ocean Plastic

Pecha Kucha conference

Pecha kucha night


Cable Paradise

two man posing in Nigeria

Precious Plastic in Nigeria