Phonebloks ad in London street
Feb 1, 2021

Ad in London

Thanks ‘the7star’ for promoting phonebloks in London! Looks awesome.

A moment from

More moments


Funny Hopper

3 people holding a sheet of recycled plastic

Recycled sheets research

Plastic sheet

Plastic sheets in London

man wiring cables for recycling machine

Late wiring

Crate storage

Crate Storage

A pan and a strainer to dye with avocado

Avocado dyeing in Barcelona

Recycled plastic hydroponic vase

Extruded hydroponic vase

Precious plastic machine printed

The world is getting started

Three people in front of a van

Wild office

Woman facing camera

BBC show



Broken camera pieces

Broken camera

two man posing in Nigeria

Precious Plastic in Nigeria

Green ex german army mercedes ambulance 609D converted to a camper parked on a land

Arrived in the land

Dave's setup for the extrusion.

Prototype Extrusion

Woman standing on landfill

Precious Plastic pilot #3 in the Maldives

men in front of recycling machine

Sheetpress in London

Storyhopper video covers

Story Hopper 1 Year

Pecha Kucha conference

Pecha kucha night

Keychains made from recycled plastic

Keychains made with the injector