Magazine cover
Feb 1, 2021


Never thought i would end up as a coverboy.


A moment from

More moments

Precious Plastic and Grameen team posing for a picture

Precious Plastic meets Yunus Muhammad

Three man hugging

Precious Plastic meets Bope

Youtube channel

1 Million!

waste in the Maldives

Exotic waste

Extruded lamp

Kees is making stuff with plastic

Woman drying shredded plastic

Faces of Dhaka

Phoneblocks community map

Phoneblocks Community

Boijmans museum

Storyhopper in Boijmans

Extrusion machine

Extrusion machine photoshoot

Precious Plastic CE Certified Shredder

CE Certified Shredder

Dave getting a machine ready

Blueprints in the making

people in a rock

Looking for a land in Portugal

portrait of a man

First helper

Men in Korea

Upcycling center Korea

two badges in one hand

Badges around the world

Containers being unloaded

Basekamp is almost ready!

man wiring cables for recycling machine

Late wiring

Worry bead mould for recycled plastic

Worry beads mould

man swimming in a lake

We've been clearing the spring

Dave in Silicon Valley

Phoneblocks worldwide