green plastic sheet
Feb 1, 2021

Working on sheets

Would you throw away this material? It‘s plastic waste. Shredded and melted into a sheet.

One of my highlights last year was to join the final steps and see our Sheetpress coming together!

So many possibilities.
And each sheet so unique. Just so cooool.

If you’re interested in how to do that:

A moment from

More moments

Vegan food in a plate

Delicious vegan food, everyday!

Group of people serving food

Precious Plastic Version 4 team enjoying a vegan lunch

kinds pants fixed and repaired

First fixes from people

Containers being unloaded

Basekamp is almost ready!

Precious Plastic and Grameen team posing for a picture

Precious Plastic meets Yunus Muhammad

Woman standing on landfill

Precious Plastic pilot #3 in the Maldives

Broken camera pieces

Broken camera

Injection machine

Injector in Sri Lanka

two badges in one hand

Badges around the world

Fixed pants

New fixes from Estonia

Plastic sheet

Plastic sheets in London

waste in the Maldives

Exotic waste


Cable Paradise

Colourful beams

Working on beams

Sheetpress machine

Playful Sheetpress

Plastic recycled plastic knife handle.

Plastic Knife


Badges are here!

Recycled plastic hydroponic vase

Extruded hydroponic vase

Two man facing each other and talking

Jaden Smith in the workspace

people in a rock

Looking for a land in Portugal