Man working on a recycling extruder machine
Mar 19, 2021

Brick making training

Today I (Joseph, business guy) am undergoing an in-depth extrusion machine training to learn the nitty-gritty details of recycling plastic into bricks.

Next month I will travel to Hawaii to set up a project to recycled plastic waste into bricks. So got to be extra ready.

A moment from

More moments

man swimming in a lake

We've been clearing the spring

Dave's setup for the extrusion.

Prototype Extrusion

blue lamp made from recycled plastic

Lamps made in Korea

two vans and two man in a field

Basekamp is growing

Shredder machine

Shredder in Rimini

woman in front of a pile of recycled clothes

Our old clothes heading to Africa


Phone project

Girls running Precious Plastic machines

Machines in Taiwan

plastic recycled flowerpot

Extruded flowerpot

Phoneblocks community map

Phoneblocks Community


Cable Paradise

Group of people serving food

Precious Plastic Version 4 team enjoying a vegan lunch

Injection machine

Machinery in Indonesia

Prototype of a washing system

Washing system prototype

A pan and a strainer to dye with avocado

Avocado dyeing in Barcelona

3 people holding a sheet of recycled plastic

Recycled sheets research

men in front of recycling machine

Sheetpress in London

nike shoes

Fake Vs. Real

Woman standing on landfill

Precious Plastic pilot #3 in the Maldives

Three people in front of a van

Wild office