men in front of recycling machine
Jun 30, 2021

Sheetpress in London

We're helping Participatory City get setup for community furniture design and production in London. We've produced and shipped (Brexit madness) a Sheetpress a trained the local team on how to produce beautiful recycled sheets.

A moment from

More moments

Dave getting a machine ready

Blueprints in the making

plastic waste from the beach

Ocean Plastic



two man posing in Nigeria

Precious Plastic in Nigeria

Graphic showing dazed and Fixing Fashion logo

Fixing Fashion on Dazed

Rocket Stove

DIY aluminum moulds


Making a lunch video

Pallet with disassembled machine

Flatpack Sheetpress

Little girl playing with recycled plastic

Experimenting in Taiwan

Dave in Silicon Valley

Phoneblocks worldwide

Mexico team of students setting up Precious Plastic

Machines in Mexico

Vegan food in a plate

Delicious vegan food, everyday!

Solar system on a container

Solar Setup in Basekamp

Fixed pants

New fixes from Estonia

Mattia on a boat looking out

To boat or not to boat?

Bright magazine cover

Bright cover

3 people holding a sheet of recycled plastic

Recycled sheets research

Shipping container converted in a workspace

Our basekamp in shipping containers


Hardware store

Recycled plastic hydroponic vase

Extruded hydroponic vase