Woman working on a lathe
Feb 1, 2021

Carolina making stuff in the workspace

Often people are surprised how many girls are part of Precious Plastic, up to 1/3 according to the impact survey. And Carolina here have been owning the workspace like no other 💪

A moment from

More moments

Team collecting bottles in front of a dumpsite

Collecting thousands of plastic bottles for an installation at Glow

Injection machine

Injector in Sri Lanka

Woman facing camera

BBC show

Plastic recycled plastic knife handle.

Plastic Knife

Injection machine

Machinery in Indonesia

man on beach with plastic waste

Recycling plastic in Hawaii

Colourful waterfilters

Waterfilters by Taller Esfèrica in Spain

Phoneblocks community map

Phoneblocks Community

machines packed

Transport approved

portrait of a man

First helper

Project Kamp badge

Project Kamp Badge

woman in front of a pile of recycled clothes

Our old clothes heading to Africa

Prototype of a washing system

Washing system prototype

Boijmans museum

Storyhopper in Boijmans

parts of a phone

Modular phone in progress

three man posing

Nigerian connections

Men building machines

Mattia doing events

Dave getting a machine ready

Blueprints in the making

two vans and two man in a field

Basekamp is growing

Maldives pilot

Maldives container