Feb 1, 2021


For the duration of Precious Plastic Version 4 the entire team followed a vegan diet as we see this as the most sustainable way of sourcing energies for sapiens. Yes, and proteins for the skeptics! On top of this, we strived to buy as much as we could from organic sources, always trying to find the most local option to avoid unnecessary shipping pollution, and of course buying in bulk to reduce our waste to the maximum. ⁣

And lastly we got into regular dumpster diving to prevent perfect food from going to waste. Hard to believe the mountains of food consciously thrown away from supermarkets.⁣
Massive big up our chefs for bringing in joy and delight in our intense working days.

A moment from

More moments

men in front of recycling machine

Sheetpress in London

Precious Plastic injection machine

Customised Injection machine

Extrusion machine

Extrusion hacks

Man wearing a gasmask

Business guy In the workspace

Bright magazine cover

Bright cover


Hardware store




Making a lunch video

Fixing Fashion badge in the shape of a hashtag

Fixing Fashion badge is here

Containers being unloaded

Basekamp is almost ready!


Phone project

Yellow Van parked in tuscany

Driving to Project Kamp!

Precious Plastic badge

1 year after V2

Extrusion machine

Design of the year nominee

man and children talking about plastic

Kenya visit

Solar system on a container

Solar Setup in Basekamp


Cable Paradise

Man working on a recycling extruder machine

Brick making training


Funny Hopper

Little girl playing with recycled plastic

Experimenting in Taiwan